

            After only four classes, it is difficult to assess a student’s skill ability and tactical approach.  Although, through the different games played in warm-ups, core activities, and culminating games, a teacher will be able to notice the basic abilities of the students.  A teacher will probably not be skill testing or marking at this stage.  Assessment at this point in a lesson should be used for the teacher to provide feedback to the learner and decide if refinements to a future lesson will be needed.  The learner should be able to perform the basic tasks taught by the teacher, and be able to implement both skills and tactics into a game situation.



Student Learning

ü      the students can keep a continuous rally going with the shuttle

ü      the students understand the concept of returning to base position after each shot

ü      the students know how and why to move their opponents in order to score

ü      the students are able to place the shuttle into an open space by using shots such as the overhead clear and overhead drop shot


All these skills and concepts will come to play when the students play their culminating game.  Teachers will be able to assess ability at this time, and make refinements if and when they see necessary.

Teaching Instruction

ü      the teacher will allow students as much engagement on task as possible, at least 3/4 of the lesson

ü      the teacher will be organized and have equipment out and solutions ready for all possible problems

ü      the teacher will manage the students in the class and keep students on task

ü      the teacher will limit his or her talk time by making activities easy and continuous

ü      the teacher will circulate providing feedback and assessment to the students on task enabling them to reach their objectives

The teachers can be assessed with a Systematic Observation - Time Management sheet.  This way the teacher will be able to know the time spent on: T- teacher talk,   M- Management/Organization,   S-student engagement